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Our Team

Bobby Rowe

Area Director

As I grow into this new position as the FCA North Lake Representative, my plan is to take the same passion for outreach with FCA to the entire North Lake County area and beyond the gymnasiums, stadiums and into the local communities. You can help me fulfill this FCA assignment by sowing financial seeds, (Luke 6:38) and praying (James 5:16) as I go into the schools and communities. As your North Lake County Representative, FCA will continue to be the catalyst for transformation and restoration, as we minister to and through Coaches and Athletes.

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Michael Adkins

Area Representative

I received Jesus as My personal Lord and Savior when I was 17. His love and forgiveness are the only things that drives my heart, and I love to share His goodness with all who will allow me to share.

I am married to my God given soulmate and I have one amazing God loving son. God's love is like no other, and it transforms the very nature of us, who accept His free gift of eternal life. My hopes and dreams are to see everyone return to Jesus so they can worship and serve Him alone. He is worthy of all our praises.

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Cassandra Adkins


I am so excited to be serving in the ambassador position with FCA. I was incredibly involved in FCA when I was in high school, and it made an enormous difference in my life through thoseyears.  I played volleyball in high school and competed during and after my college years.  I have also been a volleyball coach for many years. 

I was blessed to grow up with Christian parents and family who lived out their personal relationship with Jesus Christ every day. I have been involved in ministry most of my life.  After I married the man God made for me, we began serving in ministry together because he had the same call on his life as I did. I volunteered for many years at our local Church and waseventually called to serve as the Children’s Director for many years. Since leaving that position,we have served in many areas and are currently serving as leaders in our student ministry.

We are all called to serve in our own ways and with the unique talents that God has given each one of us. I am blessed to be able share God’s love every day and I look forward to seeing what He has planned. My life verse that I have always held close throughout all my years of serving is“but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

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